Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, NO CONTEXT ONLY READING

Hi, and happy Screenshot Saturday! Now that I've got your attention, let's mellow out a bit...

We're still working hard on applying clean up to areas, really putting the strawberries on the milkshake! This book animation's been in the oven for a while now, but thanks to the hard work of neitheror(whom you can find his work at https://twitter.com/_neitheror ), we've got it in!

Why is there a book floating like that? Why is it so huge? WILL it force you into the summer reading program? I don't know... but one way to find out, right?

By... playing the game once it's out! Or by ACTUALLY joining the summer reading program! (You should do both, honestly!)

After you settle into a good book, why not check out our demo and read that too? There's a LOT of words in it, I PROMISE. (...I wonder how many?)

Check them out at:

GameJolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/HYADESRPG/415095

Itch: https://majimjam.itch.io/hyadesrpg 

Thanks for reading! As always... stay safe, take care, and have fun!


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