Happy Screenshot Saturday! Here's a preview of some houses we've been working on for Ruth's neighborhood!

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we've got a sneak peek at some of the work we're doing in Ruth's neighborhood!

For this particular map, we're going to be implementing parallax mapping! In layman's terms, we're making a picture and assigning collision to it instead of making a bunch of little tiles and assembling in-engine. We've done this for maps before (the Warehouse in the Prologue is the prime example of this), but since I was working solo back then, it was EXTREMELY labor-intensive to make. But thankfully, I'm not working alone anymore! With any luck, this map will be much easier to produce since we've got an array of talented and hard-working team members behind us! For example, these two houses were made by the wonderful https://twitter.com/FanficFox!

Of course, you can check out the current housing market and MORE of Fanfic's work by playing the demo today! Check it out at https://majimjam.itch.io/hyadesrpg! We'd love your thoughts and opinions on it!

For now, take care, and have fun!


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