Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time for HYADES, we've got more character ani- oh Dewie's stuck please get him out

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we've got something very silly to show off!

Poor Dewie's stuck in the vending machine! Apricot's seen this so many times before, he's used to it at this point... He'll help him later, right?

It's always super fun to show more personality in our characters! I've personally been playing a lot of games with tons of personality shown throughout their characters and world, so doing these little animations as well is always fun!
...even if it's at Dewie's expense.

Dewie himself was designed by Matt Frostpaws, and his animation was done by Acadia Pinault! Go give them some love, they've both done some wonderful work for this project!

Of course, while the animation itself may not be in the public build, you can still meet Dewie and Apricot yourself in our demo today!

Give it a go at:

Itch.io: https://majimjam.itch.io/hyadesrpg

Gamejolt: https://gamejolt.com/games/HYADESRPG/415095

That's all for this week, thanks for reading! As always, have fun, stay safe, and take care!



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Dewie, lmao! I love Apricot's reaction - just keep walking. Nothing new to see here, lol. I adore all these character animations! They really make your world feel real. <3


I'm a little late, but thank you! It's so much fun to give these characters personality, especially through the animations we can give them!